The card is a sign that you can make your feelings and intentions clear with confidence that they will be reciprocated.
Some questions you can ask yourself to make the most of Lovers energy:
- What and how do I want to communicate my feelings to my lover?
- What do I need to receive to feel seen and understood in the relationship?
- How can I help my lover feel seen and understood?
Sometimes this card appears for single people who have learned to take care of themselves—they’re thriving in the world, and others are attracted to that glow.
A partnered person may draw the card when their self-care is generating a more nourishing energy in the relationship.
If you receive the Empress, let higher love find its way to you. Whatever your current relationship situation is, this is a sign that a gentle, nurturing transition will bring about a deeper understanding of the potential of caring intimacy.
Some questions you can ask yourself to make the most of Empress energy:
- What boundaries could exist in my relationship to ensure I’m taking care of myself?
- How do I nurture my partner without losing myself in that role?